Look at this beautiful 37 Inch Giant Plastic Chess Set! This Giant Chess Set is stunning on this permanent grass and granite chess board. Our Oversized Chess Set moves the traditional indoor game to the great outdoors! This rugged giant chess set includes our most durable pieces, you can rest easy knowing it will be just fine outside in any garden, park, or open space you have.

These giant chess pieces are still light enough for the entire family to play. While lightweight, these durable giant chess pieces have a compartment in the base to add ballast if you prefer a heavier piece.
The majority of our giant chess pieces are used to play chess, a fast-growing segment of our customers use these pieces as giant chess decor. Rather than our plastic chess pieces which are built with durability in mind, they choose our stunning fiberglass or teak pieces for chess decor.
Many of our corporate customers have incorporated our giant chess pieces and sets into their marketing to align with the business concepts of strength, beauty, and strategy.
You can find learn more about our durable plastic giant chess sets and our beautiful fiberglass chess sets on our website. Please feel free to reach out to us at 855-634-2055 or at info@megachess.com for additional information.
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